I have chosen to post pictures for this weeks theme of SHINY on Photo Hunters that keep with my theme for this BLOG. I did not actually know how I would pull this off when I logged on and found out what the theme was - but luckily my walk around the block and into the forest (with kids and camera in tow) proved successful when I looked down at my shiny watch. Before having this seemingly simple (yet broadly meaningful) discovery, I had taken pictures of ever thing shiny that I came across, including:
- shiny Canada Post mailboxes
- shiny lock
- shiny litter
- shiny rims
- shiny motorcycle
- shiny car
- shiny glass on trail
- shiny spot where sun filtered in through the trees
The watch and the leaves are both representative of my Blog theme, which is Time to Turn a New Leaf. If I'm lucky, I may even be onto something here that will lead me to some good design edits for my blog template, but we'll see...I don't really know all of the ins and outs of that stuff yet.
I played around with these photos on Picasa2. I am loving that program. I have not been back on Microsoft Picture-It since I discovered it. I am, however, wondering if I can add text or borders in Picasa??? I would like to add stamps to my photos like I have seen on TN Chick's pictures, on her website. http://tnchick.com/
The watch is shiny and so is your future! Take hold and turn a new leaf today!!!
You can do it!!!
I also liked this picture of the shiny lock. Locks represent so many things, especially in the hearts and minds of us humble humans. One of the things that I hope to get out of my blog journey is to become a more "open" person.
Maybe we need to free our old habits or old ways of thinking -- or whatever...
I guess the key is to always be moving forward...and though I am not exactly sure what that means in my life right now, I am confident that the secrets will reveal themselves as time goes on.
Speaking of "secrets", these are the shiny mailboxes that I check EVERY DAY in hopes that I have not been totally jipped by an Internet person who took my money through PayPal for a DVD copy of THE SECRET! I had read half of the book and thought I was on the path to "attracting" things to myself when I lost an Ebay auction but was in contact with the seller who said they had another copy of the DVD that they could send me. Ahhh. That was over a month ago. When I filed a PayPal dispute, the person emailed me and said that there was a family tragedy and the package had been returned. They said they sent it again and asked me to lift the block thing in PayPal. I did not do this, but I also did not get the Pay pal email that said I only had a few days left to escalate the dispute, otherwise they would consider it resolved and close the case! Ahhhh. The case was closed and I have not heard from the seller or received the DVD. I am still hopeful, but I think I might also be naive. There was no tracking information given. I'll keep you "posted" so to speak. In the meantime, watch who you are paying for what if you use PayPal!!!!
Very nice images for shiny. I like the watch on the leaf, best =)
I had one issue with Paypal - but only because it was outside of eBay. I'll never do that, again. Otherwise, love Paypal for ebay!
Great pictures! I like Picasa too but I don't know of a way to stamp the photos.
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