Here's an idea - Marriage Mondays. What are they? Marriage Mondays are an opportunity to do something, anything, that will benefit your relationship and marriage with your significant other. Why is this important? I think it is obvious, but let's discuss anyway...
I think as a parent it is easier to address parenting issues than it is marital issues. It is also easier to put energy into being a good parent than it is a good spouse. Have you had any experience with this? Chances are, if you have children, it has been a relevant topic in your life.
My suggestion for Marriage Mondays is simple...do something, however simple, that will have a positive impact on your spouse. What a great way to start the week off on the right foot. I don't know about you, but when my relationship with my husband is in balance, everything else seems easier. I feel connected, supported and loved. It is so much easier to face things as part of a "team", rather than feeling alone or even worse, being at opposite ends of the spectrum and wasting valuable energy butting heads.
I should admit right now that is an area that could use lots of work on my part...which is why I am interested in a journey of change. Someone recently pointed out the fact that we do preventative maintenance on our cars (and other possessions), but not on our marriages. I think this is a valid point. Let's not sit idle and wait for a major catastrophe, especially if we know we could do things to make things better. Maybe on Mondays you want to identify more than one way that you will enhance your relationship throughout the week...all the power to you. PLEASE TELL US what you have decided to do (well, within reason) and if your plan had the expected results.
I already messed up my plan for Marriage Monday. My idea was to not email my husband at work ALL DAY with any "to dos" or other rants. I was going to ask him what he would like for dinner and nothing more (except nice things). Oooops, I forgot about these details and did email him about dinner, but also asked if he could fix the Internet connection on our home computer. Do you see how this request will take away from what I was hoping to accomplish? Better luck next time. And by the way, I have not heard back about dinner.
Marriage Mondays TIP OF THE DAY:
Sometimes we can get so caught up in the "stuff" of life that we forget to take time to continue to discover the person we love. Remember the first days of love and the hours you spent talking and getting to know each other? No matter how long you have been together, it is important to continue the discovery. Take some time and ask each other these questions: What makes you happiest in our relationship? What is the one thing you would like to change in our relationship? Listen with an open mind and you may discover something new about your spouse.
Source: Church bulletin
Hey Kelkat - Marriage Monday is an excellent idea :) well I've already planned to make his favorite roast for him tonight and will be sharing some funny stories with him after dinner :)
Hey Kel,
Love this idea, will email more on this later.
I also like the idea - it may take a while to get going on it though...
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