Wednesday, June 27, 2007

PARENTING: Our Top 10 Baby Gear List

[June 27/07 9:47pm] I don't have the time I need to post details at the moment, but I do want to post our list of TOP 10 BABY GEAR ITEMS. This list would have been our pick during the first twenty-two months of parenthood, when we only had one child.

1. EuroPrimo Bath Tub: The best baby tub. Good from infant to toddler. I think we used it from 4 months to well over a year. Loved it. Great for fun baths that are also safe (baby can not fall back and hit their head on the porcelein tub). It fits right in your bath tub and can hold lots of water for babies or toddlers that are a little bit older. You don't have to waste water filling the entire bath tub.

2. Fisher Price Healthy Care Booster: Just a great booster seat! Great colours, great design, fits securly to almost any kitchen or dining room chair. Tray snaps on easily. has a strap that can be used to carry it over the shoulder. We have taken ours everywhere! I know moms that have used these instead of a traditional, bulky high chair. I highly recommend this product. Read my Epinions review here.

3. Britax Roundabout convertible car seat: I can not say enough about this amazing car seat. It has great safety features, great fabric, great design, great comfort, great portability, great everything! Went into our cars rear-facing with ease and has the awesome push-button strap release that I don't think you can find anywhere else. Has a little bit lower back that some other seats, was great to take on the airplane. Fits SNUG into any vehicle that we have tried. Goes in REALLY easy with the latch system, but we use it with the seat belt in my husband's car. We chose the denim fabric and love it. It is a little cooler in the hot summer temperatures and came recomended by the lady at the store because of that. It is also very easy to clean because it does not have various extra pieces of fabric and unnecessary attachments such as headrests to worry about. Got great safety ratings and ease of use ratings. Check out Consumer Reports here: (No report currently available on car seat safety). Check out 2007 ease of use ratings here.

4. Graco Travel System (stroller, infant carrier, base): I think our is a Quattro Tour. Anyway, we got it because it came recommended by a family member for it's ability to travel on rough terrain, such as paths and sand. It has worked out great for us and we are on baby #2 using it. The infant seat is standard and all equipment seems to be holding up well. We like the big basket and full recline position on the stroller.

5. Safety 1st Bouncy Chair: I actually didn't pick this up until our second child, but I am very glad we did. I prefer this seat over the first one that we bought, which was the Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rocker. It is a great chair as well, but I like the bouncy chair because the baby gets it moving with their own motion, rather than just having the vibration mode like the Fisher Price one. I think our new, Safety 1st, also has a vibration setting, but we haven't even used it. What I really like is that the baby is cuddled right in but sits in an upright position. We had also had a Bumbo, but I recently sold it as the bouncy chair is all we need.

Will have to post the final 6 and our new favorite items list (toddler) another time. Please visit again soon.

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