Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pantry Picks: Simple Pleasures

I am posting quickly today to share a new kind of cookie bar that I found at the grocery store today. I was looking for snacks for our toddler and was going to get some arrowroots or teddygrams but then I came across these:
Simple Pleasures Baked Cookie Bars (by Dare)
These are cookie bars that are sold in 228g boxes (6 bars) and are low in sodium, contain no trans fats, are made with whole grain and are low in saturated fat. They also have a Health Check symbol in the top right corner from the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Based on that and the fact that they were on sale for $1.99 plus another $1.00 off from an attached coupon,
I decided to give them a try.
I have opened an Oatmeal Cranberry cookie and they are okay. I think our son will go for them. The cookie is a large rectangle and is individually sealed. This is great for travel and at $1.00 for 6 bars,
they work for me (as long as they get eaten).
I was hoping for a softer cookie, which would be my personal complaint - but then again I was probably hoping they would taste just like the Oatmeal Raisin cookies in the bakery section. The Simple Pleasures bars contain 10g of sugar per serving (per bar). This is okay in my books. I have found that most snacks contain about 14g or more (except for cheerios and goldfish). They have 7g of fat per bar. Not great from a dieting standpoint, but they aren't for me. They do have 3g of fibre and are low in saturated fats, so that is why they get the Health Check symbol. Any little way to make healthier choices must be a good thing.

Note: The sale is on at Zehrs (Canada). Three varieties available and they are located in the cookie aisle.

Update: My toddler is eating 1/3 of the Oatmeal Cranberry bar. He doesn't have much to say about it but I think he likes it okay. We all know what would go over better, yummy-sweet treats that are just not a good option. Oh, he just asked for "more cookie bar", that's a good sign! Maybe a side of fruit to go with that?

10/26/07: Update - my son wants nothing to do with these cookies. Hopefully we'll have some company that will eat them.

Monday, October 1, 2007


The MARRIAGE MONDAYS topic today is "Being Apart". I am hoping that you will leave your comments with ideas on how you make a special connection with your partner when:
(1) They are about to go away
(2) They are away
(3) They return from being away
I am trying to post things that are relevant in my own life and marriage - and this one is TOP OF MIND today because my spouse is leaving tomorrow at 5:00am for 4 days, 3 nights away (for work). I am sorry to report that I did not act fast enough to do something really nice for him before he leaves -- we were really busy today and in retrospect, I should have taken more time. He is going away again next Monday, so perhaps I will do better then!
My suggestion for a spouse going away for just a little while or an extended period is to do something really nice before they leave so that you can both carry the positive energy from that during your time apart.
Another idea that I've had is to put a bag of their favorite treats (such as Lindt pumpkins available at Winners) in his suitcase or bag (secretly) with a loving note.
Anyway, I would not be doing what I should unless I got off the computer right now (or an hour ago) and went to spend some time with MY spouse, who is my #1 before he goes away!!!
Your comments and ideas are appreciated. Have a great week!