Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Turning Another New Leaf?

So, I am thinking about leaving NEW LEAF TIMES behind. Not sure what I will do for sure, but with my impending return to work I will have even less time for this type of stuff. What I would like to have is one blog for my own ramblings and one for family stuff. I don't think I am doing anyone any favours to continue posting about cookies and whatever else. I could just leave the blog address the same, but I am not sure that I want my new blogs to be advertised. If you have any thoughts or just want to say "farewell" to New Leaf Times, I would like to hear from you. I am also seeking input on layout. Two of my friends have blogs which I LOVE and I think the key is a simple, white background. Might make those changes also. Time will tell.
I do know that I am still very interested in expression through blogging and would especially like to document more family memories such as my annual work Christmas party and Ja1's first time on ice skates (below). He was so excited! He is two and a half years old.

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