Wednesday, December 12, 2007

DARE TO COMPARE: Product Review

Well, I thought that I'd better take a quick minute or ten to post about my recent hair colouring experience. I finally decided on using Natural Instincts (semi-permanent) #28: Nutmeg for Dark Brown Hair. I have used this colour in the past and was hoping to not go as dark this time, but in the end of it all it seemed like the only worthwhile thing to do because Natural Instincts will not actually lighten your hair at all (no peroxide).

Before haircut (2 above)

After haircut, before colour (2 above)

After colour (1 above)

- will post another

All in all I think I will try #20 next time and not go with such a dark brown. This product only stays in for 28 shampoos anyway, so it isn't like it is a major commitment or drastic undertaking. If your hair is a lighter colour, you have more options. If you are willing to add red hues, you have even more options. They are currently on sale for a great price at Zehrs, so if you feel like a change, check it out.

My rating for Natural Instincts is a 7/10 because I still haven't been able to get the results that I am truly seeking.

PS - Aren't these some horrendous photos? I don't know why I bother posting this kind of stuff! Anyway, if you have had good experience with a home hair colouring product, I would like to hear from you!

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