Well, I should start with a little "Note to Self"..."If you are thinking about playing around with your blog layout, make sure to save your current template on your computer's hard drive FIRST. Also, make sure you know which file you are saving it to."
I am often getting bored with my blog layout and that is usually about the time that I consider scrapping it all and starting an a new one. Today I spent a good chunk of time trying to think up new names for one of blogs. I also started playing around further with my template for New Leaf Times and could not recall if I saved my original format. I usually use the templates from Blogger, but then I customize the colours of background and text until I am happy with it. I also usually ad my own header picture. In the process of trying out a template from another provider, I got things kind of mixed up and it took me a while to get something back together that I am happy with (for now). Bare with me, I still have some page elements to straighten around.
I enjoy blogging, so I think that I will continue. If I have time, I will back track for this week and try to at least post something for Toonie Tuesdays (it is now Wednesday!).
For the moment, I have to go to attend to an infant who is just waking up and a rambunctious toddler who refused to nap and lots of extra energy - the crazy kind!
Question: Does anyone know how to add a signature to every post?

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