I have been meaning to post this one for a while. This is a biggie for me in my household and in my marriage. I think this message speaks for itself and speaks VOLUMES about getting along in our relationships. Being defensive, antagonistic, irritable, bossy or any of those other "not so nice" traits of character and behavior can sometimes become WAY too routine in the safety of our relationships. Sometimes I just have to say to myself "For Heaven's sakes - DROP THE GLOVES ALREADY LADY!"
And the magic of it is that if both my spouse and I do this together, the result is peace and harmony that makes the atmosphere much better for everyone. Win win win. It doesn't mean the issues aren't still there - it just means that whatever they are they are not more important than the RELATIONSHIP and they are not more important than the FEELINGS or ESTEEM of the people involved. I also like to think that it takes more to drop the gloves than continue with bad habits and negative patterns. I feel good about myself when I can rise above - 

if only for the moment....
For Marriage Mondays this week I would like to challenge all readers who are in a committed relationship to pick one issue that you are currently "harping" on your partner about, or one that you KNOW will come up this week - and JUST DROP IT. Not forever, let's be realistic. Just for now or at least for the moment the next time it really erks you.
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