I have often considered blogging on this topic in the past, but have really never tackled the issue. I suppose that I wasn't exactly sure what to write about or if it would be at all remotely useful or wise to post about the things that I am most self conscious of. Would doing so make me look vain? Would I expose too much of myself? What would people think? Well, today is a new day and I am expecting that most of the people who end up reading this blog are probably already pretty familiar with the sorts of thoughts and topics that I am going to write about. Perhaps it will be another common thread that binds us?
Truth be told, there was a time when I actually didn't think that aging would really phase me too much at all. Not that I wouldn't age, but that I wouldn't be bothered by it. I guess that was before I actually started seeing the signs! Oh, the naivety of youth - so perfectly innocent! Anyway, I am in my early-mid thirties (okay, I am 33) and I have two children under 3. This will give you some perspective on where I am coming from. I'm at that point where the physical signs of aging are sprouting up in conjunction with the fatigue of being a mom of young children. It's almost like the two are collaborating and conspiring to do I don't know what...but the bottom line is that I am experiencing signs of aging and most of the time I am just too tired or too preoccupied to do anything about it.
Looking back, it sure has been a roller coaster for my mind and body. Pregnancies, weight gain, weight loss, hormones, fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, lack of proper diet...the list goes on. I just had a funny concept come to mind: could it be possible that women who choose not to have children actually age slower or more gracefully than their counterparts who are mommies? Perhaps they do, perhaps they don't...I'm not sure. I do tend to think that they would at least have more time to care for themselves! This tends to appear as a luxury in my life - or maybe that is an excuse. Us moms should take better care of ourselves, shouldn't we?!
Anyway, enter the concept of my investigation blog. It seemed remarkably coincidental (or was it the Law of Attraction?) that in very short order after deciding on this article topic today, that two things turned up on television that were connected.
(1) A commercial for ProActiv with testimonies from Jennifer Love Hewitt, Puff Daddy (Sean Combs), Jessica Simpson and Vanessa Williams. What got me about this advertisement campaign was that I could not understand why celebrities such as Vanessa Williams or Sean Combs would actually do a commercial for a product like this unless they truly cared about getting the message out to people who are are affected emotionally and socially by acne. Am I being naive? Would they do it for money? I can see a razor commercial (I am thinking about Tiger Woods) or running shoes or whatever. Okay, I just looked up the Gillette thing with Tiger Woods and it has been speculated that the three athletes involved could be getting a total of $10 - $20 million for the gig -
So maybe P.Diddy DID do it for money --- anyway, my initial thought was that they must care about the message, so it must be true so I SHOULD try to do a Human Lab investigation on ProActiv solution. I doubt that I will ever be able to bring myself to pay full price, so maybe I will find a deal or discount. Hopefully it won't be Nair or something in a ProActiv bottle!
Anyway, I don't have a major acne problem, but I am 33 and it does rear it's ugly head from time to time. Also, acne seems to mark my skin worse that it did when I was younger (and seemingly MUCH more resilient). Wow, back in the day -- I sure would have never guessed that P.Diddy would be selling me on acne solution in my thirties!
In all actuality, it was Jennifer Love Hewitt who kind of sold me on the idea because she didn't claim to have major problems with her skin, but said that she liked the glow that she got from using ProActiv. One of my biggest complaints and concerns with my skin is that it is dull. I sometimes feel 33 going on 53. Seriously. Not that there is anything wrong with 53! There are probably LOTS of 53 year old women that look and feel more polished and refreshed than I do! That is NO understatement. I call them the "City Line" women. Have you seen that show? I am getting off topic - but the City Line women are older, polished, fashionable and fabulous!
(2) An episode of Rachael Ray (and I have never tuned in to this show before with a seg
ment on Human Lab experiments of three potential age defying products. The aging topics being tackled were "cellulite", "wrinkles" and "sagging". Wowzers. The wrinkles one is what caught my attention. They were talking about handheld electrostimulators for your face and skin. This was interesting to me because I have often passed the Neutregena one that is one sale in stores here and wondered if it would actually be worth the investment. What was interesting on Rachel Ray was that they noted that Dove has come out with a much cheaper version of this product (Dove SkinVitalizer) that is not exactly the same but may show positive results. If I can find it in Canadian stores, I think I will give it a try. If I do, I will be happy to update you regarding the results of my own Human Lab experiment.
Well, I'm getting tired. I have not blogged this much in a while. Where do I go from here with my investigations? Well, I hope to try one or two of the products featured on Rachel Ray and perhaps try some ProActiv. I would also like do try some home teeth whiteners, but I really don't want to waste my money. Does anyone have any advice to give? Tune in again for updates from my Age Defying Investigation series...

Well, I'm getting tired. I have not blogged this much in a while. Where do I go from here with my investigations? Well, I hope to try one or two of the products featured on Rachel Ray and perhaps try some ProActiv. I would also like do try some home teeth whiteners, but I really don't want to waste my money. Does anyone have any advice to give? Tune in again for updates from my Age Defying Investigation series...
PS: On a final note, I can't help but tell you that today's FEEL GOOD song is Justin Timberlake, Sexy Back. Maybe it is because he was on Oprah today (I only caught the last few minutes) - I don't know, the beat is just stuck in my head today. My family was also affected, considering that I was bouncing my 7 month old on my lap to the tune of sexy back! ["...is bring sexy back, those other boys don't know how to act..."]
On that note, it was just on the television AGAIN - just to reinforce it in my brain. Some commercial that included a snipet of the song. I guess I'd better check if there is a video on Yahoo Music and post you the link!
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