Monday, September 24, 2007

The Road to Happiness: Declutter??!!

I am finally going to put it out there - my admission of my biggest
issue in my household...clutter! I have been avoiding this topic because
I did not have any hope in sight or any positive message to give you.
I have also avoided this topic because it brings me stress. I also try to only
post when I am ready to "practise what I preach".
Here goes (maybe)...

A friend was over today and she told me about
You can check it out yourself, but I can not paste any content into
my blog. I will tell you more about the site and the concepts
involved once I have had a chance to look at it more thoroughly.
I really never know WHEN I will have more time to look at
ANYTHING more thoroughly, so we'll see what happens.

Anyway, I do have a goal to get my house more organized
so that it is not such a stress for any of us that are in it! Let
me just say that my home is not dirty or piled to the ceiling with
magazines or collectibles or whatever. I keep it tidy and things get
done when I get around to doing them. We also have two kids under
3 (my excuse for everything these days!).

The first step in the FlyLady method is to SHINE YOUR SINK.
I am off to try it out.
Let me just tell you that I am totally nervous because
I don't know if I have what it takes to get in gear. I don't
even know for sure that I am willing to admit that there
is a problem here, but I guess it is too late for that!

I believe that releasing the clutter in our minds and our
homes would bring a much greater sense of peace with a
lot less stress. This can only be a positive and healthy thing
to consider...
to me it just seems like a scary road. I have lots of excuses for
things being the way they are and I like to hold on to things
"just in case". The biggest "just in case" is "just in case I DO
NEED that item someday!" Seems logical to me!

Anyway, time to go SHINE MY SINK. Wish me luck!

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