For myself, I just like the positive energy I get when I am being grateful. I am grateful for God's many graces in my life - and for every gift; from very small to very spectacular. I give my thanks to God because I sincerely believe that he makes all good things possible. Let me tell you, I have a lot to be thankful for! So, let's get started:
Oprah brought up the idea of writing in a "Gratitude Journal" on a show she did a long time ago. I think I probably saw the show in 2002 or so. I immediately started a Gratitude Journal for my (then) boyfriend and soon-to-be fiance. I was looking forward to giving it to him someday, and in fact, did so as a gift on the night before our wedding. A Gratitude Journal can be for yourself or for someone else. It can only contain positive thoughts, no matter what. I found this to be such a therapeutic thing to do because even if I felt something negative, I could only write about the positive. Try it and you will see what I mean. You may have had a hard day and feel like writing words like "but" or "except" - let's face it, it is common practice to want to throw in (or unload) our rants, complaints and demands when we are reflecting about our day. The Gratitude Journal should only contain content that is positive!!! One way to get started is to just begin writing once a week or once a day (or whenever you get around to it), and choose one thing to be grateful for.
Examples for your spouse could be:
I was grateful that you were tuned in to my needs and took the kids for a walk so I could have some breathing room for an hour.
I am grateful that you are such a good person and a good friend to people around you.
I am grateful that you want to pass on faith and confidence to our kids.I am grateful that you never complain about taking out the garbage.
I am grateful for the awesome necklace you bought me for Mother's Day (hee hee).
Anything positive will work. It can be actions or attributes or anything that comes to mind.
Your Gratitude Journal could also be a reflection of the qualities you like in yourself or your gratitude in your faith. Wouldn't it be nice to someday give your children Gratitude Journals that you had added to over the years?
For those of you who are computer buffs, you could start a Gratitude Blog or just add it to your usual blog. You could also just keep a list in Word or any other format. I am looking for a neat way to incorporate it into my Blog. I will get back to you on what I come up with.
In the meantime, here is a relevant web page that I came across on the Internet:
The Gratitude journal--what a wonderful idea first brought to light by Oprah Winfrey on her TV talk show. She is right on!
I thought of the many times in my life I had felt sorry for myself because something hadn't worked out. I thought of the time I hadn't gotten the raise I had worked for. I still struggle with weight problems after years of 12-step support group meetings, and I miss my grand children now that I am across the continent from them. These are but a few things I have moaned and groaned about over the years.
A lot of people ask me for advice. They don't know where or how to start their journey of healing . They have no idea how to start their life over after a divorce or the death of a spouse. How do you begin to pick up the pieces of a life that lays in splinters at your feet? Which direction do you place your feet as you stand at the crossroads of your life? How do you learn to forgive? How do you forget? What do you do after losing a job? Oprah has shared the answer with the entire world. You begin by picking up a note book or a journal and writing each day in it.
What do you write? You pick at least three things you are grateful for. It might be difficult at first. You may have to struggle to find something to be grateful about if you are in the middle of a crisis. They may seem trivial compared to your situation at the moment. But, it will change your life.
I had a young lady ask me to sponsor her. The first thing I had her do was start a gratitude journal. I never heard from her again. For some it is just too soon to start the healing process. Some of us are not ready to heal. Many still have to reach the conclusion of the grieving process. Some just haven't hit bottom yet, and still more think it is silly and a waste of time. There are all sorts of excuses for not beginning. But, let me share something with you. Even if you do not think it will be of any help to you--even if you do not feel grateful right now-- even if you can only find one tiny thing to be grateful for--start. Just take a piece of paper and begin. It is as simple as that.
This simple thing has the ability to change your whole life.
I am grateful that I am able to share this with you at this time!
I am grateful for the internet, for it has opened up the entire world to life-changing information!
I am grateful for my husbands patience and commitment to help me learn to create web pages so that I may see my dreams fulfilled!
My Gratitude Journal Entry for Thursday, July 5th/2007
I am grateful for two beautiful children
I am grateful for the sweet personalities of both of our children (they take after their Dad)
I am grateful for my faith which also gives me peace and happiness.
I am grateful for my friends.
I am grateful for the other great moms in my life that I have shared so many ramblings about the trials and tribulations (and triumphs) of motherhood with!
I am grateful for my husband who is a true gift in my life and the lives of our boys!
I am grateful for extended family...what a great gift to our children!
I am grateful for a comfortable life.
I am grateful for happiness and so very grateful for health.
I could go on and on. I hope you can also! Don't delay, start your journey of gratitude today!
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