(1) Some people may have the items you are looking for but may not have realized that they would be of any interest to anyone else
(2) The potential seller may not have the time or the computer confidence to bother with posting "For Sale" ads.
(3) The potential seller may have forgotten that they even had the item until they see your "wanted ad" (basements, attics and garages can be places of great mystery!)
If you want to find good on line classified sites in your area - just go to Google and enter "free classifieds + your town name). Example: "free classifieds + Windsor"
- Post a picture. This always helps to draw attention to your ad and to give readers a clear view of what you are after. If you know the exact name and brand, go to Google Search, enter the information and choose "images" search, instead of "web" search. If you don't have a specific brand in mind, just do the same but with the type of item such as "futon couch". You will have many photos to choose from and can pick something that is close to what you might be hoping to buy. SAVE the photo to a new folder on your computer called "Wanted Items". This will make them readily available for future use.
- Do not post the price you are willing to pay for an item. The seller may have a cheaper price in mind. Once they tell you what they are hoping to get, the ball is in your court.You are probably best to let them tell you what they are asking and then you can either go ahead with their price or offer less. A general rule of thumb for any used item seems to be that people can ask for 40-60% of the retail price. 40 is probably more reasonable. Items that are new and in the original packaging may bring in a higher price.
- Ask questions. Buyer beware. If you have standards up front, list them in your ad. (Example: must come from smoke free home).
Another place to look if you are interested in posting "Wanted ads" is in Yahoo Groups. Go to Yahoo.com, select "Groups" and search the name of your town. If there are too many groups to sort through, you may have to narrow down your search criteria. Look for groups that focus on buying and selling, trading or swapping or free stuff. Freecycle is a popular group in many areas. You can sign up for "daily digest" so that you receive a reduced number of emails that are summaries of all the postings (instead of individual postings).
Hope you have enjoyed this. If you would like to view my other Toonie Tuesday ideas for saving money - click on the link in the side panel.
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