I am a Canadian Mom, currently enjoying being home with my two boys. I have started New Life Times as a motivation for striving daily to be the best woman, wife and mother that I can be. My big-3 cares in this world are Faith, Family and Friends - so this journey is about them as well. I hope that this blog will be of interest to others and a place to share comments and ideas. I am currently posting weekly thoughts for Marriage Mondays and Toonie Tuesdays. Hope you enjoy!
Ever since I coloured my hair with Natural Instincts last time, I have been meaning to write a funny post about how the colour is just too dark and I don't think that I should use that particular shade in the future. The product is #28 Nutmeg - and I have no idea how they came up with the picture on the packaging. I don't feel that it represents the colour at all. They'd be better off having Gene Simmons as the model! Speaking of which, for the at least the first couple of weeks I felt like I probably LOOKED like Gene Simmons because my hair felt shorter from my recent cut and dark from the colour. The texture was also different and seriously, I wish I would have taken a photo doing the same pose as he is in this picture. That would be funny. Okay, these pictures might not substantiate my claims, but I DID feel like I had Gene Simmons hair!